LNG - Adult Stem Cell Activators for the Lungs/Bronchi


Order 3 Bottles & Save $15.00: Dr. Christiano’s Recommendation
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LNG Lungs/Bronchi - 30mL


Regulates intercellular communication and supports cellular & tissue regeneration of the Lung and Bronchial.

Possible Applications: chronic pulmonary infections, pneumonias, bronchitis, emphysema, fibrosis, other degenerative metabolic and pathological conditions, etc.

Adult Stem Cell Activators target the Lungs/Bronchi. Regulatory Protein-based Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology targets the gland, organ or tissue creating cellular communication for optimum glandular function. The damaged cells/tissues are replaced and removed from the body.

Dosing: 1-20 drops a day.  Mix in 2 to 3 oz of water and take away from food or supplements. Can take up to 4 products - take them 15 minutes apart for best results- do not combine them together.  We recommend that you start with 5 to 7 drops and increase a few drops daily to the full dose of 20 drops.  Can start at full dosage. 

These products contain regulatory peptides obtained from natural sources using Nanotechnology which reestablishes cellular communication and activates adult stem cells. These preparations are nontoxic and do not have allergic responses in long term applications.

These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, only to support the body’s natural processes.           




These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.


Barbara S on 06/13/2024 11:05am
I have COPD really bad for years and after taking only 3 bottles of LNG I feel SO MUCH BETTER I mean SO MUCH BETTER! I am very pleased!! Looking forward to the next 3 bottles!
Marlene Sullivan on 02/11/2024 09:25am
My 88 year old mother has had asthma for as long as I can remember, she started the LNG just a month ago, she went to her lung doctor and he told her that her lungs are the best he has heard from her, to keep doing whatever she is doing because it's working.
Dennis T on 12/14/2023 04:15pm
I had asthma as a kid. Last January I was hospitalized because I just couldn't breathe. The doctors assigned to me guessed it was bronchitis. They put me on all kinds of meds. After taking 3 bottles of LNG it took all my meds away. It really saved me!!
Sylvia on 07/19/2022 12:45pm
Over the last four years I've been dealing with all kinds of lung issues; strep, pneumonia, infections, inflammation and scar tissue. I feel all I do is cough. Since I've been on LNG I haven't been coughing. I just can't believe it!! I'm so happy!!
James on 07/19/2022 12:44pm
I've had COPD for 20 years and have tried everything on the market. The last 5 years I was going downhill! After taking LNG I'm recovering much quicker!! Everything is getting better!! I'm telling all my friends and family!! It's so inspiring!!
David on 06/29/2022 02:37pm
Since I had half of my lung removed for cancer I have been on oxygen 24/7 and I could hardly breath to walk around my little apartment, which has made me very out of shape. Thanks to the LNG I can now walk and I don't have to drag my oxygen around anymore!! Six months ago I quit taking the LNG. In less than 10 day my breathing worsened and my oxygen went down so I had to go back on the oxygen machine. Within a week back on LNG my oxygen came back up and my breathing improved back to where I can live with it!! When I recently ran out I didn't order right away and the same thing happened. As soon as I received the bottles again my oxygen came up and my breathing improved. Thanks to the Stem Cell Activators for my lungs I can walk and I don't have to drag my oxygen around anymore!!
Jeanette F. on 12/17/2021 12:05pm
My husband was in the service and got Agent Orange. He doesn't like to take anything because he doesn't get any better. After only taking one bottle of LNG he could tell something was happening and after only three bottles he has gone off his inhaler!! I don't hear him coming down the hall anymore!! This has been a true blessing for him!!
Lorrance L. on 12/17/2021 12:01pm
My friend had pneumonia and a spot on her lungs. We both were very scared about it! She took 5 bottles of LNG and had to go back to the Dr. to do a follow up on her lungs. The dr. said her lungs look great and in good condition! She was soooo happy she was taking these drops. What an answer to prayers!!
K. Leavitt on 12/17/2021 12:00pm
I went into the hospital the end of 2017 and was diagnosed with COPD and Asthma. When I left the hospital they put me on oxygen, Albuteral Inhaler, and nebulizer machine. I was not happy about it at all!! Before starting with the LNG drops I was using Albuteral 4 times a day, NOW starting the 3rd bottle I'm only needing it 1 time and can't wait to get off it! I just want to pinch myself!! Also, at night the weazing has stopped! AMAZING how quick I am feeling better!!
T. Weller on 12/17/2021 12:00pm
I am so thrilled!! I was suffering from a respitory infection and I could not walk to the store with out getting out of breath. After 3 bottels of the LNG I was able to walk 3 blocks to the store with no issues, it was like before I had the infection. Thank You so Much!
Thelma T. on 12/17/2021 11:59am
I passed my first breather test yesterday and my Dr. told me I do not need to come back for 6 months. My oxygen level went from a 34 to 41.I am so excited!
G. Kulhanek on 12/17/2021 11:58am
These drops are very powerful!! I sprayed over 750,000 gallons of weed killer over 32 years in farming and have had lung issues for a long time. After only a few bottles of LNG it's keeping my lungs open. If I weren't on these drops I'd be dead right now!!!
Gary K on 12/17/2021 11:58am
I worked with chemicals in farming and have had lung issues for a long time. After only 2 bottles can't believe how good I'm feeling! Can even lay down during the day!!
Joann A on 12/17/2021 11:40am
I had an awful cough that wouldn't go away. After only 3 weeks, cough is gone!! Sat up for months with CPAC that wouldn't help my cough. Also, husband had a horrible cough, 3 weeks and we both have no cough!!
G. Bennett on 10/26/2021 09:56am
After being off of work since 2016 I am now back to work at a retail store and stocking shelves better than the 20 year old kids that work there. At 58 I think that's pretty good. Thank you doc. You gave me my life back! I feel great after taking LNG for my lungs. My lungs feel so much better!!
Maria B. on 10/02/2019 03:39pm
5-25-18 . I suffer from COPD and can't be outside in the heat for any length of time. After only 1 bottle, I was able to spend 1.5 hours in my garden without any issues. God Bless You All!
Gisele Bennett on 09/30/2019 11:18am
Just received your product and after half treatment first day was able to walk up a hill I could only get to after stopping. Before had to stop a lot on the way up cannot wait to see what I can do at the end of this week
Leslie M on 01/06/2019 11:57am
I was born with asthma and as I have gotten older the breathing and incidents of bronchitis have increased. After having pneumonia in Jan 2018 I decided I needed to try something different. I have been taking the drops for a few months and see marked improvement in my lung function. I have remained healthy while others around me have had the flu and colds. I attribute my good health to having included this in my holistic routine.
Pat Formby on 11/01/2018 10:26am
3 ONC & 3 LNG - I was on Hospice and was told I would never regain use of my lungs. My esophagus was almost totally blocked off. Now, there is 75% improvement. Dr. never dreamed I would get this kind of healing. My one lung was completely collapsed. Blood tumor marker is now normal as of yesterday (10/23/18). I am currently showing no tumors in the blood. Thank you for saving my life!! Pat Formby
Cathy C on 11/01/2018 10:20am
Cathy C. 3/22/2018 I had a cough for 5 years. Taking the LNG activator for only 1 month and the cough has gone away!! Amazing!
Jane D on 11/01/2018 10:17am
Only used 1.5 bottles and I feel great!! No more COPD!! Couldn't walk to mailbox before but now have no problem!! Jane D. 4/19/2018
Terry H on 05/02/2018 07:52pm
As a pot smoker of almost 50 years, LNG seemed to be a pretty good place to begin my cell activator program. There were no problems that I knew of but lungs are important, so, I went for it. First response was a cleaning out by coughing phlegm up. Yuck, but I knew something good was happening. Shortly after that, I noticed my breathing was much easier and smoother. Since there are no issues at hand in this area, my Activator focus will shift to other organs. Great stuff, I got positive results very quickly.
Thank you, Dr Christiano
Rebecca Hansen on 05/14/2017 10:47pm
I had been a smoker of 10 years, and it was really getting hard for me to breathe. After my first use I could tell a difference, and so could my Mom hallelujah thank you Jesus for these wonderful answers to prayers! I can thank you enough for these amazing products, you can't put a price on health for you, and your Family, and thank you Joseph Christiano for making them affordable for everyone in need. Your reward is huge I can only imagine in Heaven, and God bless you, and your Family Amen. 🤴🏻🌹❤️❤️❤️👏

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