HRT - Adult Stem Cell Activators for the Heart and Cardiovascular


Order 3 Bottles & Save $15.00: Dr. Christiano’s Recommendation
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HRT Heart and Cardiovascular - 30mL

Regulates intercellular communication and supports cellular & tissue regeneration in the Heart & Cardiovascular System.

Possible Applications: coronary & valvular heart conditions, arrhythmias, history of myocardial infarction, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, etc.

Adult Stem Cell Activators target the Heart and Cardiovascular. Regulatory Protein-based Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology targets the gland, organ or tissue creating cellular communication for optimum glandular function. The damaged cells/tissues are replaced and removed from the body.

Dosing: 1-20 drops a day.  Mix in 2 to 3 oz of water and take away from food or supplements. Can take up to 4 products - take them 15 minutes apart for best results- do not combine them together.  We recommend that you start with 5 to 7 drops and increase a few drops daily to the full dose of 20 drops.  Can start at full dosage. 

These products contain regulatory peptides obtained from natural sources using Nanotechnology which reestablishes cellular communication and activates adult stem cells. These preparations are nontoxic and do not have allergic responses in long term applications.

These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, only to support the body’s natural processes.        



These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.


Nancy on 07/12/2024 10:07am
Dr. said I had an irregular heartbeat. Now said it sounds normal! I could feel my heart strengthening... not as fearful about things anymore!!
Sam on 06/06/2024 04:52pm
I have been on these for about 3 years. I use to not be able to walk to my mailbox and return to the house. I am on blood thinners and for years my numbers have never been below 2.5 as they are now. This is a miracle my!! My Dr even said she thinks my improvement is due to the stem cell activators!!
Pamela Krause on 01/03/2024 07:18am
I have been dealing with AFIB for a number of years. I learned in 2023 a confirmed diagnosis. I would go maybe 4-6 weeks between episodes. I have learned my triggers and avoid them, however physical stress is a big trigger for me, meaning over exertion, or body pain. In October I had a total knee replacement, and the pain was horrible. Along came many bouts of AFIB as a result. My heart doctor put me on a blood thinner which I really objected to. I went to naturopathic means and stopped blood thinners for natural anticoagulants. I learned about HRT on a Christian network at 4:00 in the morning. I believe God was directing my path in answer to prayer. So, I ordered 3 bottles of HRT and the companion SRF heart. It has been about 3 weeks and no AFIB. I still take my supplements that support heart health. Prior to HRT they were not keeping me from AFIB episodes. HRT is now part of my daily therapy. Because if the horrible knee replacement experience and daily surgical area pain OST is now on board. No way in blazes will I have my other knee butchered! It is not as severe, and I believe with OST my knee will heal naturally. Not waiting for it to be beyond repair. Plus, I am feeling the arthritis in other joints in my body. After co-pays from surgery, I can’t afford not to use these products. HRT is my buddy.
Billy E on 12/14/2023 02:16pm
I've been on HRT for 2 years because I have an enlarged heart. Now I don't have an enlarged heart and my doctor was amazed!! He took me off my two blood pressure meds!!!
Sephira on 10/15/2022 02:11am
I started taking drops several months ago. This will be my first review. I took the HRT for only 2 months. I had been diagnosed 8 years ago with PFO (hole in heart), leaky heart valve and a heart murmur which was very squeaky. I could hear it when laying on my left side. I was having chest pains daily, heart palpitations and other types of heart pounding. I am only in my 40s but suffered severe trauma for years. After taking the drops for 2 months, no more pains, palpitations, pounding, or murmur! I had an EKG last week (10/2022) and nothing was found. Heart was normal and no murmur found. I am eternally grateful! :-)
Carol on 07/19/2022 12:06pm
After taking 2 bottles of the HRT I no longer have a Heart Murmur that I have had for years!
Maria on 06/29/2022 02:55pm
I'm 62 years old and had 40% heart infraction, and on all kinds of medications. After being on the HRT for 9 months I am now at 60%!! Praise God!! My doctor took me off my meds and he can't believe how good I am doing!!
Mary H. on 12/10/2021 01:28pm
My husband was sent home on Hospic and was given 2 weeks to 2 months to live, July 4th. My sister-in-law gave him the HRT activator to try and he's been doing so much better 6 months later!! His nurse couln't believe the turnaround!! I'll keep giving him the activators, it seems it the thing that's keeping him alive!!
S. Hancock on 12/10/2021 01:27pm
Three months ago my EKG came back abnormal, with very low bloodpreasure. After 3 bottles of HRT my stress test came back normal%u2026everything is now fine!!! I can't believe it!! I'm going to be 79 in June and so excited!!
Scott B. on 12/10/2021 01:27pm
My dad, David, has clogged arteries with 95% blockage. He had 30 stints in his heart, a bipass surgery, and has needed to sleep with a heating pad and blanket because his legs were so cold and blue. Within one week on HRT the arteries seem to be opened, no need to have the heating pad, can actually feel the heat on his legs! They definitelly work!! He calls this "Jesus in a bottle!!"
Sharon Thompson on 12/10/2021 01:26pm
In October of 2018 my Dr. wanted to give me a defibrilator, I was at 29 at the time. After starting on HRT and the SRF-HRT spray, and after an echocardiogram, my number went up to 40.2!!! I couldn't believe it!! I don't have to go on a defibrilator anymore!! I even gave my testamony at church about it!!!
Jerry Lynn R. on 12/10/2021 01:24pm
For over a year I have had several scarry bouts with very bad AFIB. I ended up in the hospital each time. The hospital couldn't help me so they put me on all kinds of meds and sent me home. I decided to try the HRT activators and have been on it for 2 bottles and I haven't had any bouts of AFIB since taking them. I am now an advocate and sharing with all my friends. Thank you Dr. Joe!!
W Berry on 12/10/2021 01:23pm
I had congestive heart failure and died twice! After taking HRT I am now off my water pills and can walk from the parking lot into the building, without getting dropped off at the door. I don’t use an electric cart either!!
Vince C. on 12/10/2021 01:22pm
My sister Paula called us to tell us about how Vince' cholesterol dropped 80%!! His heart palpitations are gone!! Blood pressure has leveled out!!
Eunice B. on 12/10/2021 01:21pm
MY son is taking HRT, had a compression test on heart, Dr. said his muscles are getting a lot stronger, only on drops for 3 months, told him to keep doing them, his heart is so much stronger!!
Vicky V. on 12/10/2021 01:20pm
2 bottles of HRT and my blood pressure is down to 114/70. Not taking my blood pressure meds anymore!!
Joseph Christiano on 02/09/2020 08:39am
E. Emeigh - 2/9/2020 -I have osteoporosis & have had 4 fractures in my thoracic area over the last 10 years. I just had another one recently.
All the others took several months of severe pain before healing.
This last one I used the OST for bones after seeing the video about a guy that had a fracture & used it & had faster healing.
A week after this last fracture I doubled my dose of OST & within a week had MUCH LESS pain. Two weeks later I couldn%u2019t tell most of the time it had been fractured!!!!
I also take the HRT for my heart valves etc & my ejection fraction went from 35-40 to 50. Cardiologist never even mentioned it but I have both before & after copies of the echo results.
Dr. Russell Lieberman on 01/15/2020 03:31pm
This is my second testimonial given for the stem cell product line. The first one was for the Kidney product and now this is for the HRT Stem Cell/Heart Stem Regen Factor spray.
I had taken two CT Scns of my heart (11/18 & 11/19) BOTH showed a 'mild' dilation of the aortic root-ascending aorta of 4.2 cm (both scans-no change in diameter).
I began taking the heart product combo three months ago and went recently for my first visit to a cardiologist because of the CT Scan scores which were high,
I had an Echocardiogram/Doppler 2D done 01/14/19 and the Echo results showed my aortic root/ascending aorta REDUCED to 3.9 cm or 7.1%!
The cardiologist cannot offer an explanation other than 'tech error' which I believe is an old fashion cover-up for his inability to explain what happened.
As for me.I am extremely pleased with the results and will continue to use the product.
Judy Usavage on 03/18/2019 10:27am
I have had heart arrhythmia for several years but the heart would always go back to normal. This past six months it has stayed in AFIB and I was hospitalized twice with no lasting results. The final discouragement was the medicine I was given which made breathing difficult, so I quit the doctors. Finding this through the Herman and Sharon show was a Godsend. After only 1 bottle of HRT, my heart has stopped racing and is almost completely regular again. I'm also able to function normally without having to go to bed after doing any activity. I plan to take other stem cell activators for other problems. Now I'm telling all my friends! Thank you!
MarkM on 03/12/2019 05:14pm
Had irregular heartbeat at times. I started HRT stem cell activator and in 2 weeks I notice a steady heartbeat. Fantastic!!

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