CNSN - Adult Stem Cell Activators for Central and Peripheral Nervous System


Order 3 Bottles & Save $15.00: Dr. Christiano’s Recommendation
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CNSN Central and Peripheral Nervous System - 30mL

Regulates intercellular communication. Supports cellular & tissue regeneration in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System.

Possible Applications: neurological degeneration, ALS, MS, RSD, neuropathy, nerve damage, de-myelination, degenerative and pathological conditions, etc.

Adult Stem Cell Activators target the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. Regulatory Protein-based Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology targets the gland, organ or tissue creating cellular communication for optimum glandular function. The damaged cells/tissues are replaced and removed from the body.

Dosing: 1-20 drops a day.  Mix in 2 to 3 oz of water and take away from food or supplements. Can take up to 4 products - take them 15 minutes apart for best results- do not combine them together.  We recommend that you start with 5 to 7 drops and increase a few drops daily to the full dose of 20 drops.  Can start at full dosage. 

These products contain regulatory peptides obtained from natural sources using Nanotechnology which reestablishes cellular communication and activates adult stem cells. These preparations are nontoxic and do not have allergic responses in long term applications.

These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, only to support the body’s natural processes.                                                      


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.


Amy L on 08/28/2024 11:04am
My daughter, who is 37 years old, was in an accident that hurt her back and legs. She has been in excruciating pain, taking 1200 mg of Gabapentin and now after less than one bottle of CNSN she is down to 200 mg!! She's had 3 surgeries on her legs and can feel them again! I'm so excited about her healing!!
Teri S on 06/25/2024 11:54am
I am happy to report that I have been taking the CNSN stem cell activator for over 60 days. During this time my feet are no longer in pain. I am no longer walking on "pebbles", the heal spur is virtually gone and no more plantar fasciitis. Also, the carpal tunnel problem in both hands has evaporated. The surgeon's office took 6 weeks to contact me. By the time they called, I no longer needed carpal tunnel surgery!
Andy C on 04/18/2024 02:01pm
I had neuropathy in my legs from being a diabetic for 45 years. After taking CNSN I have no burning at all in my feet!! Thank you so much!!
Denise M on 04/12/2024 02:20pm
My body was vibrating so I went to a neurologist. The shaking kept getting worse. Within one bottle of CNSN it stopped!! So thankful!!
Teri S on 02/05/2024 09:23pm
I am 70 years old, but still active and working full time. Non-diabetic neuropathy in my feet and carpal tunnel in my hands were making my job hard to do. Nighttime was terrible with tingling toes, even my legs were getting hard to move. I have only finished my first bottle. I am free of foot pains; my hands aren't full of pins and needles any more. I don't feel carpal tunnel much at all. The plantar fasciitis and heel spur problem have disappeared. Life is good! Two clinics told me neuropathy therapy would cost $5000. This works for only $50!
Noemi S on 12/14/2023 01:38pm
I had shingles in my legs burning so bad, I couldn't even work out. In only 1 bottle of CNSN, I no longer have the burning in my legs. I am so AMAZED and THRILLED !!
Mary S on 12/14/2023 01:29pm
Your product has helped me so much! The pains in my feet are not hurting as much and my body strength has improved. My skin seems to have tightened up and I've lost my "turkey neck"!! I've been on the CNSN and will continue to take it. What can I say, your product is wonderful!! Now I can stand on my feet longer without pain and my whole body is stronger!! Thank you! To God be the Glory!!
S.B on 04/28/2023 04:43pm
2 years ago I had began to have rapid nerve damage in all of my left arm. After only 1 1/2 months on the CNSN I now have FULL USE and to this day, full use!! Incredible product!!!
Sylvester on 07/19/2022 11:52am
I am writing this testimonial in for my father who has a nerve condition called Smyastheniagravis in which he could only eat pureed food (baby food). After 4 bottles of CNSN he is now eating HAMBURGERS! He can eat whatever he wants !! He keeps saying he is a "happy camper" and with the improvement these have made to his speech I can actually understand him!
T. Taylor on 06/28/2022 04:05pm
I have had Neuropathy for over 5 years with Very Sore Feet, Numb and Freezing. My husband has to rub my feet everynight. I couldn't keep up with him walking. Feeling so miserable!! I have only been on CNSN for only 2 weeks and I can feel my feet, no longer freezing, and I can keep up with my husband walking. I am so happy on Mothers Day I actually bought 13 pairs of high heels!! I'm getting my life back!! I'm telling everyone about these! Thank Dr. Joe!!
Andy Chandler on 06/28/2022 04:03pm
I have had diabetes for 46 years with really bad neuropathy. Since I've been taking the CNSN my neuropathy is all gone!! I just love it!! I've put my neuropathy doctor out of work and don't need to see him but once a year! I had to see him several times a year in the past!!
Sarah M. on 06/28/2022 04:02pm
I've had severe MS for more than 40 years, and in a wheelchair for 40. I was thinking I was going to be bedridden forever. I couldn't even do therapy!! Within my first bottle of CNSN I feel I can live again!! Now I don't want to sleep all the time and I'm back to where I was a year ago!! I'm going to continue taking CNSN, I'm so happy!!
D. Hawkins on 06/28/2022 03:59pm
I wanted to let you know that the CNSN started working right away! I was VERY skeptical and even surprised when the bottles actually showed up. I started the bottle of the CNSN and my toe started to move right away!! It hasn't been able to move at all for the last 4 years! It was like my nerves were jumping and I could feel things again in my legs. I'm not lying, my toe is now moving again!! It's unbelievable!!
Don C. on 06/28/2022 03:58pm
I had sciatica nerve pain like a current running down my legs. I used Artritis pain cream on my hips and legs so I could get to sleep at night. I had this condition for several months before I found the stem cell activator products. In a few hours of taking the first dose of CNSN the pain reduced in half. In three days the pain was gone. I caused this nerve damage by taking Oregeno oil orally and mild symptoms kept recurring for about a year before the irritant was eliminated completely.
L. Hughes on 06/28/2022 03:56pm
I have been dealing with a bad tooth extraction for over 5 years. The pain was so bad to the point where my husband and I would go out to dinner and I might take 2 bites and have to bag it up and take it home. And at times I couldn't talk it was too painful. All the oral surgens and dentist I went to said they couldn't do anything for me. Then we saw Dr. Joe Christiano on CTN and decided to order the product CNSN for nerves. I started taking it and within days it felt like there was a coating that went over that area and I have been out of pain ever since. I now stay on a maintenance dose to keep me from that aweful pain. It has been wonderful!! I've even taken this information back to my dentist so they can help others who my need this product!!
Diana Y on 12/17/2021 11:10am
I have been in a nursing home for the last year-and-a-half and unable to even take one step. I have been taking CNSN for about three or four months now. Because of the activators this is the first time I have walked in a year-and-a-half. My mother recommended I try your product. I sure am glad I did! Praise God!
Marlene B. on 12/17/2021 11:06am
Was taking 800mg Gabapentin - now taking 300mg at night only! Pain in leg gone - only in foot at night now. Pain stopped during 1st bottle!!
R. Moss on 12/17/2021 11:02am
Only on one bottle - feeling so good!! Was up to 4 pain pills a day, now down to maybe one. Feels great!! Now I want to get up and do things!!
Jane D. on 12/17/2021 11:01am
I had chronic nerve damage from radiation. No use of one hand. 4 days after starting I can feel my feet in my shoes!! No more pain and I am regaining use of my hand!!
Pat L. on 12/17/2021 11:00am
I am 84 years old. I was in a lot of pain shooting all over my body. After taking it, it "unplugged" my pain. First dose, made a big difference!!
Connie H on 10/02/2021 05:35pm
After severe pains and bizarre issues from an injury I incurred, I saw you on the CTN network and learned that the activators are a natural product, which sparked my interest. Thank goodness I decided to give it a shot! I started on the drops in March 2021. I was taking Neurontin for nerve pains and had a Buprenorphine transdermal patch. But still daily I would yell out from strong pains and have weeklong pain flares, my son would have to pull me up from the couch etc. my life felt stolen from me by this injury. After 2 months on the daily drops, I had a couple days of mental clarity which surprised me enough to comment on it because I was feeling normal like I had before my injury. Hope carried me on to finish the 3rd bottle. During the 3rd bottle I felt like I was healed. Thank you for giving us the tools to heal. I am eternally grateful.
James G. on 10/02/2019 03:28pm
1-28-19 I suffer with terrible foot pain due to nephropathy! After just one bottle of CNSN my pain has disappeared, I can't thank you enough!!! I am telling everyone about these products!
Tonya Waid on 03/28/2019 06:06pm
I had sciatic and stenosis pain so bad I started wearing a back brace. I could hardly do anything without severe pain. I was not able to function well with just normal household chores. Couldn't get up into our truck without several minutes of terrible pain. I even had pain walking. I started on the CNSN stem cell activator. It was going into my third month on the drops when all of a sudden I realized I could go up our basement stairs with no pain! I could do my household chores again with no pain! It was amazing! I thank the Lord that He guided me to Body Redesigning! Thank you!!
Michael G on 11/02/2018 06:30am
11/28/2017 Michael G I have had chronic pain since 2005 and suffer from cardiomyopathy plus nerve issues. Nothing I took ever worked. First three days - severe pain, no relief. Day 4 - much better. Day 5 - no pain. Day 10 - medication free!!! First time I feel great in years!
Charlotte H on 11/02/2018 06:24am
Charlotte H. I have suffered with nerve damage in my toes from chemo for 15 years. Just to go to sleep at night I had to soak my feet in ice water to stop the pain and take Ibuprofen. Since taking CNSN I can go straight to bed with no pain. The activators are a God-sent - amazing. Thank you. 7/25/18
Peggy on 11/01/2018 10:37am
Peggy I could hardly walk without limping around like an old lady! I took CNSN and everything has cleared up. I went to on a trip to Cozamel and was able to walk everywhere without any trouble!! Great stuff!
Elaine Borne on 11/01/2018 10:34am
10/23/2018 I was In such a bad place!! The nerve pain so bad I couldn't even bathe myself. My husband had to do it for me. By the second dose I was able to bathe myself again. Can't thank him enough!! Thank Dr. Joe for obeying the Lord!! Elaine Borne
Joanne S on 11/01/2018 10:30am
I couldn't walk without stopping. Now I can walk all over the place without having to stop. Had a numb area on top of right foot. After taking the activators for 3 months it went away. I am very pleased. 9/14/2019 Joanne S.
Jonet M. on 06/14/2018 06:13pm
According to the diagnosis of my doctor I had Morton`s Neuroma on the bottom of my right foot. I knew enough to wear corrective orthopedic shoes, but it did not get any better but grew worse. My doctor referred me to another Orthopedic by now I`d found out the only other answer was surgery, possibly leaving me with two or three numb toes, if it worked at all. I tried your Stem Cell activators and I do not have Morton`s Neuroma any more, Thank you Mr Cristiano.
Debbie on 01/11/2018 10:54am
For years I have suffered with lower back pain from herniated discs. My typical pattern was a flare up requiring a chiropractor, hot and cold therapy, and stretching. Then I would be relatively pain-free for another six months. As the condition worsened, my normal pain between flare ups grew to a pain level of three or four (on a scale of one to ten). There was never a time when my back wasn't hurting. It was also difficult to stand up straight and I often walked around hunched over in stiffness. In the summer of 2017 things suddenly escalated. My pain was so excruciating I needed a walker just to get out of bed. On top of this I experienced painful spasms I can only compare to being electrocuted, and my normal fixes were no use. It took four rounds of steroids, a trip to the ER, and an overnight stay in the hospital on IV pain killers for the inflammation, pain, and spasms to stop. After being told I was not a candidate for spinal surgery, I wondered how I would continue functioning in normal life. I couldn't work for more than two days in a row because sitting at my desk escalated the pain. Standing up straight was impossible and a walker was a necessity 24/7. When I wasn't at work, the only thing I could do was lie flat on my back. That is no way to live. Many people began praying for me, and at that exact time Dr. Joe's manuscript for Stem Cell Revolution hit my desk. As I began to read his encouraging information about stem cell treatments, it seemed he had written it just for me! Because of their affordability, I decided to order a three-month supply of the stem cell activators. I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't sure what would happen. After a week, I noticed my pain level decreasing, and in a month, I was pain free for the first time in a year. I wasn't taking any muscle relaxers or pain med's not even a Tylenol and my pain was gone. These adult stem cell activators have given my life back to me. They are a true answer to prayers! Debbie Marrie Vice President of Product Development at Charisma Media
Ruth L on 05/26/2017 09:04am
I am a retired nurse in my mid 80'sI am taking several different activators for different issues they are CNSE CNSN BLDR OST I feel younger then I did before. A walking miracle! my mental status has improved no more pain, my blood vessels look great!! I am so delighted. Thank you!
Beverly C on 05/26/2017 08:52am
I feel AWESOME since I started taking this stuff. Thank you for this miracle medicine

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