ONC - Adult Stem Cell Activators for Cancer Cells


Order 3 Bottles & Save $15.00: Dr. Christiano’s Recommendation
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ONC - Cancer Cells - 30 ml


ONC Cellular Degeneration & Apoptosis - Regulates intercellular communication and promotes apoptosis.   

Possible Applications:
apoptosis & uncontrolled malignant cellular activity.

Adult Stem Cell Activators target cancer cells. Regulatory Protein-based Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology targets the gland, organ or tissue creating cellular communication for optimum glandular function. The damaged cells/tissues are replaced and removed from the body.

Dosing: 1-20 drops a day.  Mix in 2 to 3 oz of water and take away from food or supplements. Can take up to 4 products - take them 15 minutes apart for best results- do not combine them together.  We recommend that you start with 5 to 7 drops and increase a few drops daily to the full dose of 20 drops.  Can start at full dosage. 

These products contain regulatory peptides obtained from natural sources using Nanotechnology which reestablishes cellular communication and activates adult stem cells. These preparations are nontoxic and do not have allergic responses in long term applications.

These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, only to support the body’s natural processes.                                                       


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.


Joanne E on 06/13/2024 11:15am
Had a HUGE Baker Cyst that was located behind the knee. After only a few weeks on ONC it completely disappeared!!! I'm telling all my friends about these!!
Felix R on 12/15/2023 02:14pm
Hello, A quick wonderful story. I had the melanoma on my face removed today. After they cut it out, I had to wait two hours to get the results from the lab to see if they needed to take more skin off to take out all cancer cells. Two and a half hours later the nurse told me they got all the cancer cells out and then I saw the surgeon that came in to stitch up the wound. Before he started to close the area, he said to me," Felix when we looked at the skin removed in the lab under the scopes, everything was clear including underlying cells ". Thank God !! Twice a day I used ONC and put some on the skin too. I also took the CNT faithfully. . The doctor told me to care for the wound ect. and come back in two weeks to remove the stitches. NO OTHER treatment needed WOW ! Many Thanks
Cornelia on 07/19/2022 01:13pm
My daughter found out that she had 2 tumors on her Thyroid (1 Large and 1 small) and they wanted to do surgery on the large one. The other one was slow growing, and they will just watch it. Friends told her to just get both removed so she wouldn't have to have 2 surgeries. I bought her the ONC and she started to take it the beginning of February. She had the ultrasound the end of May and they couldn't find one of the tumors and the other one is shrinking to where they said she doesn't need surgery!! NO CANCER, NO SURGERY!! We are thrilled and so happy!! We are telling EVERYONE about these products!!! THANK YOU!!
Jolene on 07/19/2022 01:12pm
My brother has stage 4 lung cancer so I bought him 1 bottle of LNG and 2 bottles of ONC. He went back to the doctor who told him that he is now stable and looking good!! He told him to come back in 6 weeks!!! The doctor told him to keep doing whatever he is doing because most people at his stage ends up in a wheelchair. Simply amazing!! I'll keep him on these for a while!!
Dinah M. on 06/29/2022 02:30pm
My husband has chronic CMML leukemia. After only one bottle of ONC his white blood count jumped to 1100 points where he started at only 500!! Under 1000 is critical. His doctor was elated and told him to come back in 2 months. He was seeing him every two weeks!!!
Carlotta B. on 06/29/2022 02:29pm
I've been taking the ONC & BRST for my breast cancer. After taking 3 bottles of each, my level is at a 10, which is NORMAL range, the levels can't be over 138 & I'm at a 10, NO MORE cancer!!!
R. Swartz on 02/16/2022 02:25pm
I was diagnosed with Chronic Lukemia in Feb feeling miserable. I started taking ONC and BLD but didn't notice anything for a couple of months. I kept taking the activators and started to feel amazing, even better than in my youth!! I feel like its a miracle. So happy we found the activators!! I am going to stay on these forever!! Don't want the side affects of conventional medicine!!
Vera K on 02/16/2022 02:04pm
Had throat cancer - was using marijuana but not working. After using CNT/ONC for 3 weeks, the tumors are shrinking - 1 has disappeared and the other is shrinking. I am now eating food again!
L. Williams on 02/16/2022 02:02pm
My doctor told me I had 1 year to live, with Pancreatic Cancer. After 3 months of taking the ONC and PANC I was in remission. After 6 months my Dr. found no cancer!!!! Unbelieveable!!
Annie E on 02/16/2022 01:49pm
I've been taking the ONC for a cist on my ovary that was cancerous (ovarian cancer). After I've been on these for 5 months my doctor just told me the blood test came back normal!!! No more cancer!!
Howard M. on 02/16/2022 01:47pm
My sister Mary has Colon Cancer and has gone thru Chemo. Even after chemo her dr. said the tumor was still there and said it was infected and wanted to do surgery because the infection could kill her. She chose not to do surgery and to try the drops for ONC, LGI and VBF. After 6 weeks her tumor is shrinking, she's feeling fantastic with lots of energy and is excited about her future! She said these drops are "Holy Drops from Heaven!! UPDATE: After 6 months she is still doing fantastic and feels great!!
P. Barnett on 02/16/2022 01:44pm
I have prostate cancer and just came from the Dr's office, and he reported that I don't need surgery now!! The bump on the side of my neck is reducing and the dr. said to come back in 6 months!! I'm jumping up and down I'm so happy!! (4 bottles of each)
Kathy B. on 02/16/2022 01:43pm
I had a growth on my kidneys and my Dr wanted to do surgery, but I said no. When I saw Dr. Joe on TV, I felt led by the spirit to try this instead. I had several sonograms and each time the growth was shrinking. In 9 months after taking the ONC and KDN it was completely gone!! It's an answer to prayer!!
K. Ganong on 02/16/2022 01:41pm
I have lung cancer and my markers were going up after I was given a prescription drug called Ibrance ($14,000 for 3 weeks of pills) so I decided to go all natural. I went on the LNG and ONC and within one month my markers went down 35 points!! They also tested my lungs, and they were normal, they couldn't hear anything, they were all clear!! I feel different and stronger!!
L. Smoak on 01/26/2022 04:27pm
My daughter was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer - stage 4. She's been on PANC and ONC, 2 bottles each. After having a Cat scan done, it showed the nodule was gone!!
Boyd R on 01/26/2022 04:22pm
I've been taking ONC for shingles and after 3 bottles my shingles are gone!
R. Schult on 12/08/2021 03:40pm
I had very bad pain under my armpit because of breast cancer but after only 8 months on BRST and ONC I had a breakthrough of no more pain!! All I can say is "Praise the Lord"!! I am so very happy!!
T. Lee on 12/08/2021 03:22pm
After 4 bottles of ONC and THYM, my mumps are healing for the first time in a year and a half!! They are not swelling anymore!! They wanted to remove the glands, but I said no. They put me on steroids and antibiotics for a full year with no results. Seven doctors could not help this, and the activators have taken care of this for me!! They definitely work!!!
Daniel Gardea on 07/09/2019 10:30am
I have a tumor that was spreading, and i experienced this product fighting it back well. I would recommend coupling with it msm. This stirs the agents to fight and that is the weapon to kill

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